Our dedication to green by Jimmy Rhim

Our Dedication to Green: The Steps We Have Taken to Save the Planet

Happy Earth Day!!!

One thing that I’ve noticed with today’s industry (and not just with web hosting) is that companies are trying their best to reduce if not neutralize their carbon footprint. In our industry, where data centers consume almost 5% of the all the worlds power, carbon reduction is of the utmost importance.

What companies are really doing is they are neutralizing their carbon footprint to offset their carbon emissions. They can do this through funding different green projects such as wind and solar energy, and by reducing their own carbon emissions through more responsible energy consumption

What are we doing?

1. Data Center: Our Data Center is now using more efficient HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning) systems.  An example of of one of the measures our data center has taken is that we are using water cooling to cool the servers, which in turn much cleaner and much more  efficient then traditional methods.

2.Virtualization: Virtualization technology has revolutionized the IT industry.  We have fully utilize virtualization for our own in-house purposes packages that efficiently utilize each of our servers.  We have also created VPS packages for our users.  If you do not need an entire server, why pay for one?  You’re saving money, space, and power.  We offer Virtual Private Servers which are based on your needs,  segments an entire portion of a server.  You’re usage and space is yours alone, and now you are using your space as monetarily and technologically efficient as possible.

3. Server Utilization:  Some web hosting companies may overlook utlization.  4 servers being used at 50% capacity still all use 100% power.  We use virtualization in our servers to maximize efficiency.  By using one server to process multiple virtual machines that handle different applications we can now maximize the space used while minimizing power consumed.  i.e. instead of using 8 servers (4 redundant pairs), we can use two servers using virtualization to efficiently maximize all the capabilities of each server.Solar Roof Panels

4. LIGHTING:  I stress this because so many people overlook something as simple as efficient bulbs, and even simpler, turning lights off when not in use.  A couple measures we have taken are to use reduced wattage bulbs as well as LEDs.  We are also in the process of installing timers for the lights for facilities such as the restrooms and kitchens.  Another simple measure, is opening all the blinds during work hours.

5. Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs): Offsetting our carbon emission to create a greener planet and we are always trying to offset our carbon footprint.  One of ways to do this is through RECs.  These are  certificates fund different projects throughout the world to create renewable energy sources.  We are currently very interested in researching solar and wind energy.  The companies we have expressed creating partnerships with are among the top REC distributors following all EPA regulations and creating their renewable energy sources in sites that are as carbon neutral as possible.

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